Minggu, 28 April 2019

English poetry

Missing you
By Shara Fitrialoka

My soul is like falling down in deep ocean
It is very dark and cold
It is hard to breath
And hard to move

I try to swim to the surface
I try to find another way
I hope there is a gleam
And there is a hope

I want to hold your arm
I won’t let your arm go
I can not restrain myself
You should know, I miss you

By Shara Fitrialoka

I walk on the fragment of breaking mirror
To find the end of the road
I close my eyes but, tears are coming
I keep quite but, my heart keeps talking

I feel stucking like a stone
The sky seems cloudy
The pin stab very deep into my heart
There is nothing can bring back the time

The trusted that I keep
The promised that you keep
The loyality, the warmth
Those are so painful

Sink in Love
By Shara Fitrialoka

I sing alone in the flowers garden
Step by step I follow the beauty of symphony
Like a couple of birds which singing beautifully
The sound of wind become one with the symphony

I feel that I’m flying on the sky
I feel that my mind strating uncontrollable
I feel that time stop running
I feel that I’ve found a piece of puzzle

The puzzle that I’m arranging
I arranged a piece of puzzle which had lost
Finnaly, I finish it . . .
Finally, I found you . . .

Tugas 3 - Translation of an article about politic

Name  : Shara Fitrialoka
Class   : 4SA01
NPM  : 16615518

KPU says human error caused inconsistent vote recap data

        The General Elections Commission (KPU) has denied allegations that it is trying to conduct “systematic cheating” to favor a certain presidential candidate by manipulating the vote recapitulation data.
        KPU commissioner Ilham Saputra said on Friday that the inconsistent data found on the KPU’s website was merely human error, which had been fixed right away following reports.
        “Should any of you find any inconsistent data [between recapitulation data on kpu.go.id and data on C1 vote tally forms], you can inform us via our 24/7 phone service,” Ilham said.
        “Please stop spreading hoaxes that the KPU is conducting systematic cheating, because we are not,” he added.
        Allegations have been rife on social media about the commission cheating, following the finding of vote-recapitulation data input by KPU on its website kpu.go.id that did not match data recorded by election committees on C1 vote tally forms.
        For example, a short video circulating online shows that the KPU’s website recorded 26 votes for presidential candidate pair Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin and 41 votes for the Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno pair at polling station 10 in Laksamana sub-district of Dumai city, Riau.
        The polling station’s C1 form, on the contrary, shows that Jokowi-Ma’ruf got 26 votes but Prabowo-Sandiaga received 141 votes.
        “With this incident, I’m starting to lose faith in the commission. I hope it can maintain its credibility and honesty. Please, do not take sides for one particular party,” said the person who recorded the video.
        The KPU said that “human error” during the data input process occurred in at least five polling stations, located in Maluku, West Nusa Tenggara, Central Java, Riau and East Jakarta. The issue, however, had been addressed.
        Ilham gave an assurance that the previous data-input errors would not affect the election results as the KPU would merely refer to nationwide recapitulation.

Google’s translation

KPU mengatakan kesalahan manusia menyebabkan data rekap suara tidak konsisten

        Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) membantah tuduhan bahwa mereka mencoba melakukan "kecurangan sistematis" untuk mendukung calon presiden tertentu dengan memanipulasi data rekapitulasi suara.
        Komisioner KPU Ilham Saputra mengatakan pada hari Jumat bahwa data yang tidak konsisten yang ditemukan di situs web KPU hanyalah kesalahan manusia, yang telah diperbaiki segera setelah laporan.
        “jika ada di antara Anda yang menemukan data tidak konsisten [antara data rekapitulasi pada kpu.go.id dan data pada formulir penghitungan suara C1], Anda dapat memberi tahu kami melalui layanan telepon 24/7 kami,” kata Ilham.
        “Tolong hentikan penyebaran tipuan bahwa KPU sedang melakukan kecurangan sistematis, karena kita tidak,” tambahnya.
        Dugaan telah tersebar luas di media sosial tentang kecurangan komisi, setelah ditemukannya input data rekapitulasi suara oleh KPU di situs webnya kpu.go.id yang tidak cocok dengan data yang direkam oleh komite pemilihan pada formulir penghitungan suara C1.
        Misalnya, sebuah video pendek yang beredar online menunjukkan bahwa situs web KPU mencatat 26 suara untuk pasangan calon presiden Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin dan 41 suara untuk pasangan Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno di TPS 10 di Kecamatan Laksamana, kota Dumai. , Riau.
        Sebaliknya, formulir C1 TPS menunjukkan bahwa Jokowi-Ma'ruf mendapat 26 suara tetapi Prabowo-Sandiaga menerima 141 suara.
        "Dengan kejadian ini, aku mulai kehilangan kepercayaan pada komisi. Saya harap ini bisa menjaga kredibilitas dan kejujurannya. Tolong, jangan berpihak pada satu pihak tertentu, ”kata orang yang merekam video.
        KPU mengatakan bahwa "kesalahan manusia" selama proses input data terjadi di setidaknya lima TPS, yang terletak di Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Jawa Tengah, Riau dan Jakarta Timur. Masalahnya, bagaimanapun, telah diatasi.
        Ilham memberikan jaminan bahwa kesalahan input data sebelumnya tidak akan mempengaruhi hasil pemilu karena KPU hanya akan merujuk pada rekapitulasi nasional.

Shara’s translation

KPU mengatakan kesalahan manusia menyebabkan rekap pemilihan suara yang tidak konsisten

        Komisi Pemilihan umum (KPU) telah menyangkal dugaan bahwa KPU mencoba untuk melakukan “kecurangan sistematis” untuk mendukung seorang calon kandidat presiden tertentu dengan memanipulasi rekapitulasi data.
        Komisaris KPU Ilham Saputra mengatakan pada hari jumat ditemukan data yang tidak konsisten pada situs KPU hanya karena kesalahan manusia, yang telah diperbaiki menurut laporan.
        “Sebaiknya jika anda menemukan data yang tidak konsisten [antara rekapitulasi data pada kpu.go.id dan pada edaran C1 catatan hasil perhitungan suara], anda bisa melaporkannya kepada kami lewat layanan telepon 24/7 milik kami”. Kata Ilham.
        “Tolong berhenti menyebarkan berita bohong bahwa KPU melakukan kecurangan sistematis, karena kami tidak melakukannya,” Ilham menambahkan.
        Dugaan telah tersebar luas pada media sosial tentang panitia yang melakukan kecurangan, penemuan rekapitulasi data suara yang dimasukkan oleh KPU pada situs kpu.go.id bahwa data yang dicatat oleh panitia tidak sesuai pada edaran C1 catatan hasil perhitungan suara.
        Contohnya, video singkat yang beredar di internet menunjukkan bahwa situs KPU mencatat 26 suara untuk kandidat presiden pasangan Joko Widodo-Ma’ruf Amin dan 41 suara untuk pasangan Prabowo Subianto –Sandiaga Uno di tempat pemungutan suara, kecamatan Laksamana kota dumai, Riau.
        Tempat pemungutan suara edaran C1, sebaliknya, menunjukan bahwa Jokowi-Ma’ruf 26 suara tetapi Prabowo-Sandiaga mendapatkan 141 suara.
        “Dengan kejadian ini, saya mulai kehilangan kepercayaan pada kepanitiaan. Saya berharap panitia dapat mempertahankan kepercayaan dan kejujurannya. Tolong, jangan memihak pada satu kelompok tertentu,” kata seseorang yang merekam video tersebut.
        KPU mengatakan bahwa ada “kesalahan manusia” selama proses memasukkan data yang terdapat di lima tempat pemungutan suara, berlokasi di Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Jawa tengah, Riau dan Jakarta Timur. Masalah ini, bagaimanapun telah diatasi.
        Ilham memberikan jaminan bahwa kesalahan memasukan data sebelumnya tidak akan berpengaruh pada hasil pemilihan karena KPU hanya akan mengacu pada rekapitulasi nasional.

Jumat, 12 April 2019

Tugas 2 - Translation of an article about culture

CLASS  : 4SA01
NPM      : 16615518

Di Indonesia, wayang merupakan salah satu kesenian yang sangat populer. Tidak hanya wayang kulit, ada beberapa kesenian wayang yang terkenal. Salah satunya adalah Wayang Golek dari Jawa Barat.
Apakah Wayang Golek itu?

Wayang Golek adalah salah satu kesenian wayang tradisional dari Jawa Barat. berbeda dengan kesenian wayang di pulau jawa lainnya yang menggunakan kulit dalam pembuatan wayangnya, Wayang Golek merupakan kesenian wayang yang terbuat dari kayu. Kesenian Wayang Golek ini sangat populer di Jawa Barat khususnya di wilayah tanah pasundan.

Menurut beberapa sumber, sejarah Wayang Golek di mulai pada abad 17. Pada awalnya, kesenian Wayang Golek muncul dan lahir di wilayah pesisir utara pulau jawa. menurut legenda, Sunan kudus menggunakan Wayang Golek ini untuk menyebarkan agama Islam di masyarakat. Pada masa itu, pertunjukan Wayang Golek masih menggunakan bahasa jawa dalam dialognya. Kesenian Wayang Golek ini mulai berkembang di Jawa Barat pada masa ekspansi kesultanan mataram

Wayang Golek mulai berkembang dengan bahasa sunda sebagai dialognya. Selain menjadi media penyebaran agama, Wayang Golek berfungsi untuk pelengkap acara syukuran atau ruwatan. Pada saat itu pertunjukan Wayang Golek masih tanpa menggunakan sinden sebagai pengiringnya. Wayang Golek mulai menggunakan iringan sinden pada 1920an. Hingga saat ini Wayang Golek terus berkembang sebagai hiburan bagi masyarakat terutama di tanah sunda.

Dalam pertunjukan Wayang Golek ini sama seperti pertunjukan wanyang lainnya, lakon dan cerita di mainkan oleh seorang dalang. Yang membedakan adalah bahasa pada dialog yang di bawakan adalah bahasa sunda. Pakem dan jalan cerita Wayang Golek juga sama dengan wayang kulit, contohnya pada cerita Ramayana dan Mahabarata. Namun yang membedakan adalah pada tokoh punakawan, penamaan dan bentuk dari punakawan memiliki versi tersendiri yaitu dalam versi sunda.

Selain cerita Ramayana dan mahabarata, ada juga cerita dan lakon carangan. Dalam cerita carangan ini dalang membuat sendiri alur cerita yang biasanya diambil dari cerita rakyat atau kehidupan sehari – hari. dalam cerita carangan biasanya mengandung pesan moral, kritikan, humor dan lain – lain. Dalam cerita carangan tidak hanya di gunakan untuk mengembangkan cerita, namun juga untuk mengukur kualitas dalang dalam membuat cerita. Dalam pertunjukan Wayang Golek ini selain di iringi dengan sinden juga diiringi dengan gamelan sunda diantaranya seperti saron, peking, selantem, boning, boning rincik, kenong, gong, rebab, gambang kempul, kendang indung dan kulanter.

Dalam perkembangannya, Wayang Golek tetap menjadi salah satu kesenian tradisional kebanggan masyarakat Jawa Barat. Terbukti Wayang Golek tetap mewarnai berabagai acara seperti ruwatan, syukuran dan acara besar lainnya. Selain itu, beberapa seniman tetap mengembangkannya dengan beberapa kreasi tambahan agar terlihat menarik dan tetap lestari tanpa menghilangkan pakem di dalamnya.

Nah cukup sekian pengenalan tentang “Wayang Golek kesenian tradisional dari Jawa Barat”. semoga dapat bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan anda tentang kesenian tradisional di Indonesia.

 Google's translation

In indonesia, puppets are one of the most popular arts. not only shadow puppets, there are several famous puppet arts. one of them is wayang golek from west java.
What is the Golek Puppet?

Wayang Golek is one of the traditional puppet arts from West Java. in contrast to puppet arts on other Javanese islands that use leather in the making of their puppets, Wayang Golek is a puppet art made of wood. Puppet Golek art is very popular in West Java, especially in the Pasundan land area.

According to some sources, the history of the Wayang Golek began in the 17th century. At first, the puppet show appeared and was born in the northern coastal region of the island of Java. according to legend, holy Sunan uses this Wayang Golek to spread Islam in society. At that time, the puppet show still uses Javanese in its dialogue. The Puppet Golek art began to develop in West Java during the expansion of the Mataram Sultanate.

The Golek Puppet begins to develop with Sundanese as its dialogue. Aside from being a media for the spread of religion, the Wayang Golek serves to complement the thanksgiving or ruwatan event. At that time the puppet show was still without using sinden as its accompaniment. Puppet Golek began using sinden's accompaniment in the 1920s. Until now the Golek Puppet continues to develop as entertainment for the community, especially in Sundanese land.

In the Wayang Golek performance, it is like any other show, the play and story are played by a puppeteer. What distinguishes is the language in the dialogue that is carried out is Sundanese. Pakem and the Wayang Golek storyline are the same as wayang kulit, for example in the stories of Ramayana and Mahabarata. But the difference is in the figures of clowns, the naming and form of clowns has its own version, which is in the Sundanese version.

In addition to the Ramayana and Mahabarata stories, there are also stories and carangan plays. In this carangan story the mastermind makes his own storyline which is usually taken from folklore or daily life. in the story carangan usually contains messages of morality, criticism, humor and others. In carangan stories not only used to develop stories, but also to measure the quality of masterminds in making stories. In addition to the Wayang Golek performance accompanied by sinden, it is also accompanied by Sundanese gamelan such as saron, peking, selantem, boning, boning rincik, kenong, gong, fiddle, gambang kempul, kendang indung and kulanter.

In its development, Golek Puppet remains one of the proud traditional arts of West Java. It is proven that the Puppet Golek continues to color as events such as Ruwatan, Thanksgiving and other big events. In addition, some artists continue to develop it with several additional creations to make it look attractive and stay sustainable without losing the standard in it.

Well enough introduction to "Traditional Puppet Golek from West Java". Hopefully it can be useful and increase your knowledge of traditional arts in Indonesia.


Puppet is one of the most popular arts in Indonesia. Not only kulit Puppet but there are also the other pupets which are popular. The one of the popular Pupets is Golek Puppet from West Java.

What is Golek Puppet?

Golek Puppet is one of the traditional arts of puppet from West Java. Golek Puppet is different from the other puppet in Java that they use skin to produce puppet. Golek Puppet is the art of Puppet which is made from wood. Golek Puppet art is very popular in West Java especially in Pasundan region.

            According to some sources, the history of Golek Puppet began in 17th century. Firstly, Golek Puppet art appeared and was born in the north coast of Java Island. According to the legend, Sunan Kudus (sunan is title the holy men who first brought islam to java) used Golek Puppet to spread Islam religion in society. Last time, Golek Puppet show still used Javanese in the dialogue. Golek Puppet art started developing in West Java when the expansion of  Mataram Sultanate.

            Golek Puppet began developing by using sundanese as the dialogue. Besides became spreading of religion media, the function of Golek Puppet for completing blessing event or ruwatan ( ritual of religion to get out people from a bad luck). At that time the show of Golek Puppet did not use sinden (a woman who sings when gamelan is playing) as the escort. Golek Puppet started use sinden as the escort in around 1920. Golek Puppet still develop as the entertainment for people especially in Sunda region now.

This Golek Puppet show is same as the other Golek Puppet,  the act and the story is played by a puppeteer. The differences between Golek Puppet and the other puppet is the language in the dialogue which is used Sundanese. The knowledge and the story of Golek Puppet are same as Kulit Puppet, for example on the Ramayana and Mahabarata stories. However the differences between Golek Puppet and Kulit Puppet are the character of the puppet, the named, and the shape of the character of puppet has his own version in Sundanese version.

Besides the story of Ramayana and Mahabarata, there is also story and carangan act (the act of puppet out of standard track). In the Carangan story that the puppeteer makes his own story which usually take from folklore or daily life. The story of Carangan (Carangan is get out from the standard track of puppet story) usually contain moral value, critical, joke and etc. In the Carangan story is not only used for developing story but also to measure the quality of the puppeteer in making a story. Inside the performance of Golek Puppet is not only escort with Sinden but also gamelan (the traditional musical instrument) of sunda such as, saron, peking, selantem, boning, boning rincik, kenong, gong, rebab, gambang kempul, kendang indung, and kulanter.

The development of Golek Puppet still become the pride one of traditional art from West Java community. This has been proved that Golek Puppet still be merry some events such as ruwatan, blessing, and the other big events. On the other hand, some artists still develop it with several additional creations for making it more interesting and still overlasting without removing the knowledge.

Well it is enough to introduce about Golek Puppet As A Traditional Art from West Java”. Hopefully it can be useful and add your knowledge about the traditional art in Indonesia.